Depends on your 3rd party extensions (that includes templates). When Joomla checks extensions it doesn't know if all are compatible. It is sometimes a matter of trial and error but you can create many folders in Wamp's \www folder.
e.g. \wamp64\joomlatest browser url would be localhost/joomlatest
N.B. Do not install sites in Wamp's \www itself.
You can find various versions of php and mysql for wamp at
When you have successfully transferred your j3 site to wamp and it works then install the version of for j3
You can then create a backup of files/database. Should your update fail then
1. You can create a new folder e.g. \wamp64\joomlatest2
2. Place the jpa and kickstart.php in the new folder
3. Point your browser at localhost/joomlatest2/kickstart.php and follow the install instructions.
(on wamp the database will be created by the install with the name you put in the field for database name[e.g. joomlatest2] )
e.g. \wamp64\joomlatest browser url would be localhost/joomlatest
N.B. Do not install sites in Wamp's \www itself.
You can find various versions of php and mysql for wamp at
When you have successfully transferred your j3 site to wamp and it works then install the version of for j3
You can then create a backup of files/database. Should your update fail then
1. You can create a new folder e.g. \wamp64\joomlatest2
2. Place the jpa and kickstart.php in the new folder
3. Point your browser at localhost/joomlatest2/kickstart.php and follow the install instructions.
(on wamp the database will be created by the install with the name you put in the field for database name[e.g. joomlatest2] )
Statistics: Posted by Webdongle — Mon Apr 22, 2024 5:29 pm